back-icn Created with Sketch.

Mannheim / Germany / 05:38 am

68159, Hafenstraße 25-27

Phone-N°: +49 162 4195359

I am Dennis Adelmann, a multidisciplinary designer born in the 90's in Germany. I am dedicated to create remarkable products on a wide range of diverse projects and pleased to offer my skills as a designer to both solo and collaborative projects within the fields of art, culture, commerce and technology. I built long-lasting relationships with international and national clients and achieved experiences on working with great agencies such as Meiré und Meiré in Cologne and Sagmeister & Walsh in New York. Since 2016 I am also founder and partner at the Creative Studio OUI R and working on diverse other side-projects.

Worked with and for

  • Sagmeister and Walsh

  • BASF

  • Swatch Group

  • Meire Meire

  • e15 Furniture

  • Universal Music

  • Deutsche Telekom AG

  • Uncrate


  • Scenographics / Print

  • Start Me Up! / Print

  • Hoverstates / Web

  • Siteinspire / Web

  • Fast Company / Web

  • ZesteMag / Print

  • Fricote - / Print

  • Various Zeix Books / Print


  • Interaction Design

  • User Experience

  • Frontend Development

  • Branding

  • Industrial Design

  • Art Direction

  • Photography

  • Scenography